Swords and Stuff

Swords and Stuff

PSO happened, so I`m slacking on reading those books, not like anyone reads this or even know it exists for that matter...

Well, I`m getting quite a few books on game programming so I don`t screw up too much in the development of this. I`ll probably isolate myself in my room to read all the books, I`ll probably be on the computer occationally to test stuff...

My first release of something! After much confusion, I figured out how to upload projects to the sf thing, so look in the downloads for Blame Gravity, a tetris clone, but different. I couldn`t make the blocks move down after the line clears after about 10 min of trying, I found that making the blocks not move down was much more challenging than normal tetris, so I did the logical thing, stopped trying to fix it and called it a feature, so enjoy my crappy semi-tetris game.

This is my website for Swords and Stuff, I suck at design so...you get a bland white page, I also just made it, which adds to the suckyness of it. I`ll get better eventually/hopefuly, probably never.
Anyways, if you`re here, you most likely know what sns is, if not, its a product of my bordom. More specificly, its a generic hack`n`slash game that I`ll be writing in cpp/sdl, though I won`t actually be working on the game till this summer, I`ll pile the page with my other game development related projects, no matter how crappy they are.

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